A Dose of Sunshine

It is really amazing what a day of sunshine can do for a mind shift. I am a self-professed non early morning person. My days don’t flow when I am awaken by an alarm clock. I function much better easing into a day around the 9 or 10 o’clock hour. I know this and I try to structure my days round this very clear fact after months of testing early morning routines.

I do love setting up workouts or signing up for yoga classes in the morning and go to bed always with so much enthusiasm for them. But every single time, when the morning rolls around and I have a class to go to, I absolutely dread it and it is a complete battle in my mind. 9 times out of 10 I will cancel it at the last moment. Today was an example of this but I forced myself to ignore that voice in my head telling me to stay in bed. I got up and took transit to a (*free) yoga class over town. I wasn’t really feeling it until I got there. Friendly faces and good music really can lift your mood.

I realize I kind of get that feeling every time after I exercise. But the struggle to get there is so enormous. I really don’t focus on the post exercise feels. I wish there was a way to make the morning much flow-y-er.

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