Let’s Get It

There’s times, and often times in the morning, that I’m not overly inspired. My energy levels are lower, my motivation is virtually non-existent, and it takes A LOT of mental energy to remove me from my couch, that is if I have left my bed.

I am NOT a morning person. There I said it. I’ve read countless articles that say the most successful people take advantage of their mornings. But really, it’s an uphill battle.

I’ve been trying to figure out HOW to overcome this sluggish start to my days. I tested out early morning fitness classes. But quickly learned this was not working for my energy levels in my academic classes. And this is a space in my life that I definitely need the energy. So back to the drawing board I go. What I’ve learned is that the late morning/early afternoon is where I am the most productive.

I think now that I’ve realized that, I need to figure out how to BEST optimize my time during that block, but also improve the other time blocks. There are so many things I want to do. So let’s start SMALL.

I found this app called Way of Life, the Ultimate Habit Building App through a podcast I listened to in the new year. And it has been awesome! Super clear and easy to use. I’ve developed a few habits including: consistently testing my blood sugars at meals, FLOSSING, and drinking water. I’m currently working on exercising MORE, yoga’ing consistently, and reading.

More specifically, I want to dedicate 30 minutes every morning walking. That’s just 15 minutes away from my home, and 15 minutes back. That’s my small step in trying to make my mornings a bit more productive.


Let’s get it. Here is another go at increasing my productivity and energy levels. What are you currently working on? Please let me know!

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